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EVOD head replacement and cleaning


1) To change the head, unscrew the EVOD from your battery and turn upside down. Unscrew the bottom of the EVOD tank which is the chrome skirt area with the air holes. With the bottom removed, you will see the head exposed. Now you can unscrew the head from the bottom of the tank cap by grasping the small knurled air tube above the wicks on the head and the skirt area of the bottom cap. Do this procedure in reverse to assemble the EVOD with the new head.

*Note: Please use care to not lose or tear the small silicone seal cup above the wicks on the head, and the o-rings by the threads of the head and bottom cap. These small pieces ensure that your EVOD will not leak and is securely threaded.


2) To clean an EVOD head when changing flavors, the simplest method is to remove the bottom cap and rinse the head and inside of the tank under warm water from the sink. Then shake all the excess water from the pieces and pat dry with a paper towel. It is best to allow the parts to air dry before use. However, you can assemble the EVOD, fill with new juice and just deal with a watery vape until it burns out all the water. This will not remove all of the flavor that was recently in your device, but it gets most of the flavor out and makes an easier transition to your new flavor without using a new head every time.


3) If you want to be more aggressive with cleaning, use Pure Grain Alcohol or Vodka to rise out the head in the same way you would normally flush out a standard atomizer.

*Note: Do not use Grain Alcohol in the tank, this could destroy the plastic. Do not soak the head in alcohol for any length of time without removing the silicone top cup and o-rings.

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Article ID: 1
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 25-Mar-2013 3:24pm
Views: 5597
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.2/5.0 (27)

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