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Rebuildable Atomizer - Cleaning

Disassemble (including o-rings) and completely clean the RBA (rebuildable atomizer) inside and out with preferably pure Grain Alcohol, or unflavored Vodka. Do not use non-consumable alcohols or solvents. 
If you don't care to use an alcohol product, there is another solution. You can rinse the unit under hot water from the sink and/or mix a 1 part white vinegar to 3 parts water and boil the RBA for a couple minutes, then rinse under clean hot water. 
Note: If you boil any device, do so at your own risk. The best practice is to suspend the unit in the water using a small mesh strainer or similar device. Do not let the device sit on the bottom of the pan or pot during the boiling process 
Don't forget to clean the drip tip you are using, as juice/tastes will transfer to the bottom, inside and even under the o-rings. 
After any of these cleaning methods, dry the unit off completely and reassemble. 
After cleaning the RBA, test it with a juice flavor you are familiar with to see if the previous taste has gone away. 
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Article ID: 2
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 26-Mar-2013 6:10pm
Views: 6237
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.6/5.0 (11)

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